
Forming Compassion & Solving Anger Issues

Dean Bracha
4 min readNov 5, 2020


After being part of the receiving end, and without giving back.

Today I wanted to do something different — In the last 1 year, I have felt that I am handling my emotions wrong.

I have been on a path of dishonesty with my life partners. Today — I’m sharing a bit of how I’m trying to regain trust in myself, get back my compass, my conscience, and sharing some tips on how you can be more compassionate toward others & solve anger issues.

Of course — in the end — any feedback is appreciated — bad or good as we are all trying to develop ourselves.

Losing My Innocence

In an ever-changing world, where everything is so fast-phased — I also wanted to be a big part of something, wanting to have everything in the grasp of my hands.

By doing so — I have lost my innocence, my “good-will” child, and the correct path of what is right & wrong.

I have been chasing women, destroying the lives & happiness of others for my own egoistic reasons.

After having multiple sessions & understanding better as to why & how it came to be — I’m trying to share my view of how I’m trying to form compassion toward others & solving my anger issues.


I always try to pick an environment that helps me improve myself.

Take a look at your environment — work, friends circle, studying circle — can you try and find people that know & have a better understanding of how to handle emotions? people that have compassion?

Try to see if you can find common properties of all these people, for me — I found out that these people have the following properties:

  • They tend to donate to society more.
  • They tend to gratitude people.
  • They tend to forgive other mistakes easily.
  • They tend to be happier than “us”.

Materialism is Key

After you have finished “scouting” your environment, you can definitely say these more compassionate friends, co-workers and family members stick to giving other people & donate more than others, they tend to cherish more humanly social interactions.

A big part of it is not caring about materialistic stuff. Stop giving emotions to actual things and start putting emotions toward other people.

For me — I started being more minimalistic. I removed the clutter I had with physical items so that I can start blank.


There’s something great about taking care of animals.

Having responsibility over something innocent as dogs, cats and horses (so called “the gentle giant”)— knowing they are not here to hurt us — we can start from here.

I started taking horses lesson to have more relaxation time — understanding

Another amazing thing that horse lessons help me in is to channel my anger to positive, more productive activity


A lot of people don’t even understand what is meditation — they think it’s some sort of zen stupidity — I also thought so.

Meditation is a practice — a practice that will help you reach mental clarity. By focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity — to train attention and awareness — we can train ourselves to be emotionally calm, even when in the face of our fears.

Start With the Small Things

Make it a challenge by starting with small things.

Start by:

  • Saying happy birthday / happy holidays.
  • Communicate with friends that you usually don’t.
  • Not stopping people in the middle of their talk.

Give Without Expecting of Receiving

When you are giving something with the expectation of receiving something back — whether physical or emotional you are doing so for an egoistic reason.

Try to give without expecting of receiving something back. You will see that you will have big smile after doing so — even if it’s an hard work such as fixing someones computer, or small task as making coffee to your parents — as long as it gave you a smile — that’s the important idea.

Welcome New Things

There’s this big channel in Youtube called “Yes Theory” (and also the movie “Yes Man”) of a group of people that motivate others and trying to put themselves in difficult, mentally challenging situations, or in their words to “Seek Discomfort” and not to stay comfortable in your bed all day long and to go chase your dreams.

By welcoming and trying out new things, you will learn more about yourself and have the mental clarity you seek.

After Reading Notes

I’m currently working a lot of myself. I’m working to be better on anything related to self-development — emotional clarity, financial, management, long & short-term time management. Follow me up on Youtube in my journey toward a better self:



Dean Bracha

Just a random guy on a path to self-improvement. Check me out on Youtube